Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Black to brown hair? Ready for round 3.?

In September I used Herbal Essence to dye my already dyed medium red-brown hair the midnight black color. I then touched up in November.

I tried to dye it in early Jan a lighter dark brown only to find my roots turned red (which often happens with me). I was confused, so I waited 6 weeks and just tried it again with a blonde/brown color... now I have blonde/red roots (over an inch) that blend into black hair. Very embarrasing.

I refuse to see a professional cause they will only tell me i need to bleach it, which is not true. I know there are other alternatives!! What is the best one?

So far I'm thinking... dandruff shampoo and lemon water for a few weeks to wash it out, then an over the counter non-bleach stripper, and then dye it.

Your more hair-friendly advice?

Time frame?

Black to brown hair? Ready for round 3.?

I am a professional, and sorry to say, but to get black hair dye out, you HAVE to bleach it. But don't worry your bleach wont have to stay in long. Only to lift it up a few levels and then you can deposite the brown shade you want over that. Stripper's are way to harsh on hair and I don't reccomend using one.

Black to brown hair? Ready for round 3.?

I'm sorry but you are wrong in thinking there is any other way to get rid of black without bleach. Even bleach doesn't always work. The best way to get rid of black-dyed hair is to CUT IT OFF.

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