Friday, April 20, 2012

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

How do you feel about Koreans dominating the black hair care industry? The south Korean government is capitalizing on our dependance on black hair care products, and slowly pushing black business owners out of the market. They recognize that we black women (and some men) specifically in the U.S. are more dependant on our hair products than any other people in the world. How do you feel about this?

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

Basically, if black women stopped trying to make their hair look Korean, then they wouldn't have this problem. They have the power to change that, so they can't really complain. Further, the hair products at these stores tend to be poor quality, and are no-name brands, anyway. I find walmart to have a better selection. The more popular selections like pantene are actually better. I am natural and loving it!

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

- I'm not worried about it but my serious question to you is should I be? I'm going natural so soon wigs and weaves and whatnot will be irrelevant to me

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

thank god i flaunt my natural hair. i dont care about that

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

I think black women should stop buying other people's hair and stitching and gluing it onto their own heads. I think black women should love the hair they were born with. This would end the black women's dependency on Koreans.

I think black women should worry less about whether or not a hair product claims to be specifically for them and more about the actual ingredients it contains. Often times "black hair care" products contain ingredients that are no good for any ones hair.

I know plenty of black women that use products like Nexxus and Vidal Sassoon and their hair is beautiful and guess what, you won't find these product lines in any Korean ran beauty supply store.

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

That is an excellent question!

I often wonder that myself when I'm at the beauty supply buying hair products. How come you don't see a black hair store run by African Americans?

I think saying we are dependent on our hair products than any other people in the world is not true. Do we not live in a materialistic society? So isn't it safe to safe, everyone (all races) is dependent on their looks?

It is hard for Black people to get and own their own businesses....but we're doing it slowly but surely.

Koreans in the black hair care industry? Question for black women...?

I don't like it because they are simply taking our money without giving us respect in return. I will never go into a Korean store for that fact. They just aren't hospitable so I see no reason to give them my money. Not even a smile.

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